Practice With Solutions

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Find all positive integer $n$ such that $2^n+1$ is divisible by 3.


Show that $2x^2 - 5y^2 = 7$ has no integer solution.

How many ordered pairs of positive integers $(x, y)$ can satisfy the equation $x^2 + y^2 = x^3$?

Solve in positive integers $x^2 - 4xy + 5y^2 = 169$.

Let $b$ and $c$ be two positive integers, and $a$ be a prime number. If $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$, prove $a < b$ and $b+1=c$.

Solve in integers the equation $2(x+y)=xy+7$.

Solve in integers the question $x+y=x^2 -xy + y^2$.

Find the ordered pair of positive integers $(x, y)$ with the largest possible $y$ such that $\frac{1}{x} - \frac{1}{y}=\frac{1}{12}$ holds.

Find any positive integer solution to $x^2 - 51y^2 = 1$.

Find all ordered pairs of integers $(x, y)$ that satisfy the equation $$\sqrt{y-\frac{1}{5}} + \sqrt{x-\frac{1}{5}} = \sqrt{5}$$

What is the remainder when $\left(8888^{2222} + 7777^{3333}\right)$ is divided by $37$?


Solve in integers $\frac{x+y}{x^2-xy+y^2}=\frac{3}{7}$

Let positive integer $d$ is a divisor of $2n^2$, where $n$ is also a positive integer. Prove $(n^2 + d)$ cannot be a perfect square.

Prove the product of $4$ consecutive positive integers is a perfect square minus $1$.

For any arithmetic sequence whose terms are all positive integers, show that if one term is a perfect square, this sequence must have infinite number of terms which are perfect squares.


Find all prime number $p$ such that both $(4p^2+1)$ and $(6p^2+1)$ are prime numbers.

Prove there exist infinite number of positive integer $a$ such that for any positive integer $n$, $n^4 + a$ is not a prime number.

Find that largest integer $A$ that satisfies the following property: in any permutation of the sequence $1001$, $1002$, $1003$, $\cdots$, $2000$, it is always possible to find $10$ consecutive terms whose sum is no less than $A$.

Find all positive integer $n$ such that $(3^{2n+1} -2^{2n+1}- 6^n)$ is a composite number.

Find $n$ different positive integers such that any two of them are relatively prime, but the sum of any $k$ ($k < n$) of them is a composite number.


Find the number of five-digit positive integers, $n$, that satisfy the following conditions:

  • the number $n$ is divisible by $5$,
  • the first and last digits of $n$ are equal, and
  • the sum of the digits of $n$ is divisible by $5$.

Melinda has three empty boxes and $12$ textbooks, three of which are mathematics textbooks. One box will hold any three of her textbooks, one will hold any four of her textbooks, and one will hold any five of her textbooks. If Melinda packs her textbooks into these boxes in random order, find the probability that all three mathematics textbooks end up in the same box.


Ms. Math's kindergarten class has $16$ registered students. The classroom has a very large number, $N$, of play blocks which satisfies the conditions:

  • If $16$, $15$, or $14$ students are present in the class, then in each case all the blocks can be distributed in equal numbers to each student, and
  • There are three integers $0 < x < y < z < 14$ such that when $x$, $y$, or $z$ students are present and the blocks are distributed in equal numbers to each student, there are exactly three blocks left over.

Find the sum of the distinct prime divisors of the least possible value of $N$ satisfying the above conditions.


For $\pi \le \theta < 2\pi$, let\begin{align*} P &= \frac12\cos\theta - \frac14\sin 2\theta - \frac18\cos 3\theta + \frac{1}{16}\sin 4\theta + \frac{1}{32} \cos 5\theta - \frac{1}{64} \sin 6\theta - \frac{1}{128} \cos 7\theta + \cdots \end{align*} and \begin{align*} Q &= 1 - \frac12\sin\theta -\frac14\cos 2\theta + \frac18 \sin 3\theta + \frac{1}{16}\cos 4\theta - \frac{1}{32}\sin 5\theta - \frac{1}{64}\cos 6\theta +\frac{1}{128}\sin 7\theta + \cdots \end{align*} so that $\frac{P}{Q} = \frac{2\sqrt2}{7}$. Then $\sin\theta = -\frac{m}{n}$ where $m$ and $n$ are relatively prime positive integers. Find $m+n$.


A $7\times 1$ board is completely covered by $m\times 1$ tiles without overlap; each tile may cover any number of consecutive squares, and each tile lies completely on the board. Each tile is either red, blue, or green. Let $N$ be the number of tilings of the $7\times 1$ board in which all three colors are used at least once. For example, a $1\times 1$ red tile followed by a $2\times 1$ green tile, a $1\times 1$ green tile, a $2\times 1$ blue tile, and a $1\times 1$ green tile is a valid tiling. Note that if the $2\times 1$ blue tile is replaced by two $1\times 1$ blue tiles, this results in a different tiling. Find $N$.