Practice (90)

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Let $S(n)$ equal the sum of the digits of positive integer $n$. For example, $S(1507) = 13$. For a particular positive integer $n$, $S(n) = 1274$. Which of the following could be the value of $S(n+1)$?

If $17!=355687ab8096000$ where $a$ and $b$ are two missing single digits. Find $a$ and $b$.

We define the Fibonaccie numbers by $F_0=0$, $F_1=1$, and $F_n=F_{n-1}+F_{n}$. Find the greatest common divisor $(F_{100}, F_{99})$, and $(F_{100}, F_{96})$.

Show that neither $385^{97}$ nor $366^{17}$ can be expressed as the sum of cubes of some consecutive integers.

An integer $N$ is selected at random in the range $1\leq N \leq 2020$. What is the probability that the remainder when $N^{16}$ is divided by $5$ is $1$?

Last year Isabella took $7$ math tests and received $7$ different scores, each an integer between $91$ and $100$, inclusive. After each test she noticed that the average of her test scores was an integer. Her score on the seventh test was $95$. What was her score on the sixth test?

When each of $702$, $787$, and $855$ is divided by the positive integer $m$, the remainder is always the positive integer $r$. When each of $412$, $722$, and $815$ is divided by the positive integer $n$, the remainder is always the positive integer $s \neq r$. Fine $m+n+r+s$.

For a positive integer $n$, let $d_n$ be the units digit of $1 + 2 + \dots + n$. Find the remainder when \[\sum_{n=1}^{2017} d_n\]is divided by $1000$.

A rational number written in base eight is $\underline{a} \underline{b} . \underline{c} \underline{d}$, where all digits are nonzero. The same number in base twelve is $\underline{b} \underline{b} . \underline{b} \underline{a}$. Find the base-ten number $\underline{a} \underline{b} \underline{c}$.

Let $x$ be an integer and $p$ is a prime divisor of $(x^6 + x^5 + \cdots + 1)$. Show that $p=7$ or $p\equiv 1\pmod{7}$.

Find the number of positive integers less than or equal to $2017$ whose base-three representation contains no digit equal to $0$.

Find the sum of all positive integers $n$ such that $\sqrt{n^2+85n+2017}$ is an integer.

Prove that there are infinitely many distinct pairs $(a,b)$ of relatively prime positive integers $a > 1$ and $b > 1$ such that $(a^b + b^a)$ is divisible by $(a + b)$.

Consider the equation \[\left(3x^3 + xy^2 \right) \left(x^2y + 3y^3 \right) = (x-y)^7.\] (a) Prove that there are infinitely many pairs $(x,y)$ of positive integers satisfying the equation. (b) Describe all pairs $(x,y)$ of positive integers satisfying the equation.

Determine all three-digit numbers $N$ having the property that $N$ is divisible by 11, and $\dfrac{N}{11}$ is equal to the sum of the squares of the digits of $N$.

Numbers $1,2,\cdots, 1974$ are written on a board. You are allowed to replace any two of these numbers by one number which is either the sum or the difference of these numbers. Show that after $1973$ times performing this operation, the only number left on the board cannot be $0$.

On an $8\times 8$ chess board, there are $32$ white pieces and $32$ black pieces, one piece in each square. If a player can change all the white pieces to black and all the black pieces to white in any row or column in a single move, then is it possible that after finitely many movies, there will be exactly one black piece left on the board?

Four $x$'s and five $o$'s are written around the circle in an arbitrary order. If two consecutive symbols are the same, then a new $x$ is inserted in between. Otherwise, a new $o$ is inserted. After nine new symbols are inserted, the previous 9 old ones are erased. Is it possible to get nine $o$'s after having repeated this operation for a finite time?

There are three piles which contain $8$, $9$, and $19$ stones, respectively. You are allowed to choose two piles and transfer one stone from each of them to the third pile. Is it possible to make all piles all contain exactly $12$ stones after several such operations?

Let $p$ be an odd prime number. For positive integer $k$ satisfying $1\le k\le p-1$, the number of divisors of $k p+1$ between $k$ and $p$ exclusive is $a_k$. Find the value of $a_1+a_2+\ldots + a_{p-1}$.

(Bezout's theorem) Show that two positive integers $a$ and $b$ are co-prime if there exist integer $x$ and $y$ satisfying $ax+by=1$.

Let $p$ be an odd prime divisor of number $(a^2+1)$ where $a$ is an integer. Show that $p\equiv 1\pmod{4}$.

Show there exist infinite many primes in the form of $(4k+1)$ where $k$ is a positive integer.

$\textbf{Prisoners' Problem}$

One hundred prisoners will be lined up. Each one will be assigned either a red hat or a blue hat. No one can see the color of his or her own hat. However, each person is able to see the color of the hat worn by every person in front of him or her. That is, for example, the last person in line can see the colors of the hats on $99$ people in front of him or her; and the first person, who is at the front of the line, cannot see the color of any hat. Beginning with the last person in line, and then moving to the $99^{th}$ person, the $98^{th}$, etc., each will be asked to name the color of his or her own hat. He or she can only answer "red" or "blue". If the color is correctly named, the person lives; if not, the person is shot dead on the spot. Everyone in line is able to hear all the responses but not the gunshots. Before being lined up, the $100$ prisoners are allowed to discuss a strategy aiming to save as many of them as possible. How many people can be saved if they can agree on a good strategy?

As a more challenging question, what if the hats can have $100$ known different colors instead of $2$?

Find all pairs of positive integers $(a, b)$ satisfying $a! + b! = a^b + b^a$.