Practice (86)

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A fair $6$-sided die is rolled twice. What is the probability that the first number that comes up is greater than or equal to the second number?

A fair coin is tossed $3$ times. What is the probability of at least two consecutive heads?

Let $S$ be a square of side length $1$. Two points are chosen independently at random on the sides of $S$. Find the probability that the straight-line distance between the points is at least $\dfrac{1}{2}$.

Two concentric circles have radii $1$ and $2$. Two points on the outer circle are chosen independently and uniformly at random. What is the probability that the chord joining the two points intersects the inner circle?

In a bag of marbles, $\frac{3}{5}$ of the marbles are blue and the rest are red. If the number of red marbles is doubled and the number of blue marbles stays the same, what fraction of the marbles will be red?

Real numbers $x$, $y$, and $z$ are chosen independently and at random from the interval $[0,n]$ for some positive integer $n$. The probability that no two of $x$, $y$, and $z$ are within 1 unit of each other is greater than $\frac {1}{2}$. What is the smallest possible value of $n$?

Suppose that one of every $500$ people in a certain population has a particular disease, which displays no symptoms. A blood test is available for screening for this disease. For a person who has this disease, the test always turns out positive. For a person who does not have the disease, however, there is a $2\%$ false positive rate--in other words, for such people, $98\%$ of the time the test will turn out negative, but $2\%$ of the time the test will turn out positive and will incorrectly indicate that the person has the disease. Let $p$ be the probability that a person who is chosen at random from this population and gets a positive test result actually has the disease. Find $p$.

A pair of standard $6$-sided fair dice is rolled once. The sum of the numbers rolled determines the diameter of a circle. What is the probability that the numerical value of the area of the circle is less than the numerical value of the circle's circumference?

Two points on the circumference of a circle of radius $r$ are selected independently and at random. From each point a chord of length $r$ is drawn in a clockwise direction. What is the probability that the two chords intersect?

Two counterfeit coins of equal weight are mixed with $8$ identical genuine coins. The weight of each of the counterfeit coins is different from the weight of each of the genuine coins. A pair of coins is selected at random without replacement from the $10$ coins. A second pair is selected at random without replacement from the remaining $8$ coins. The combined weight of the first pair is equal to the combined weight of the second pair. What is the probability that all $4$ selected coins are genuine?

Two real numbers are selected independently at random from the interval $[-20, 10]$. What is the probability that the product of those numbers is greater than zero?

A dart board is a regular octagon divided into regions as shown. Suppose that a dart thrown at the board is equally likely to land anywhere on the board. What is probability that the dart lands within the center square?

Each of $2010$ boxes in a line contains a single red marble, and for $1 \le k \le 2010$, the box in the $k\text{th}$ position also contains $k$ white marbles. Isabella begins at the first box and successively draws a single marble at random from each box, in order. She stops when she first draws a red marble. Let $P(n)$ be the probability that Isabella stops after drawing exactly $n$ marbles. What is the smallest value of $n$ for which $P(n) < \frac{1}{2010}$?

A drawer contains red, green, blue, and white socks with at least 2 of each color. What is the minimum number of socks that must be pulled from the drawer to guarantee a matching pair?

Jacob uses the following procedure to write down a sequence of numbers. First he chooses the first term to be $6$. To generate each succeeding term, he flips a fair coin. If it comes up heads, he doubles the previous term and subtracts $1$. If it comes up tails, he takes half of the previous term and subtracts $1$. What is the probability that the fourth term in Jacob's sequence is an integer?

Integers $a, b, c,$ and $d$, not necessarily distinct, are chosen independently and at random from $0$ to $2019$, inclusive. What is the probability that $(ad-bc)$ is even?

A player pays $\$ 5$ to play a game. A die is rolled. If the number on the die is odd, the game is lost. If the number on the die is even, the die is rolled again. In this case the player wins if the second number matches the first and loses otherwise. How much should the player win if the game is fair? (In a fair game the probability of winning times the amount won is what the player should pay.)

Bob and Alice each have a bag that contains one ball of each of the colors blue, green, orange, red, and violet. Alice randomly selects one ball from her bag and puts it into Bob's bag. Bob then randomly selects one ball from his bag and puts it into Alice's bag. What is the probability that after this process the contents of the two bags are the same?

For a particular peculiar pair of dice, the probabilities of rolling $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, $5$, and $6$, on each die are in the ratio $1:2:3:4:5:6$. What is the probability of rolling a total of $7$ on the two dice?

Three tiles are marked $X$ and two other tiles are marked $O$. The five tiles are randomly arranged in a row. What is the probability that the arrangement reads $XOXOX$?

Team A and team B play a series. The first team to win three games wins the series. Each team is equally likely to win each game, there are no ties, and the outcomes of the individual games are independent. If team B wins the second game and team A wins the series, what is the probability that team B wins the first game?

An envelope contains eight bills: $2$ ones, $2$ fives, $2$ tens, and $2$ twenties. Two bills are drawn at random without replacement. What is the probability that their sum is $\$20$ or more?

A coin is flipped until it has either landed heads two times or tails two times, not necessarily in a row. If the first flip lands heads, what is the probability that a second head occurs before two tails? Express your answer as a common fraction.

A box contains $r$ red balls and $g$ green balls. When $r$ more red balls are added to the box, the probability of drawing a red ball at random from the box increases by $25\%$. What was the probability of randomly drawing a red ball from the box originally? Express your answer as a common fraction.

The dart board shown here contains 20 uniquely numbered sectors. When Malaika aims for a particular number, she hits it half the time. The other half of the time, she randomly hits an adjacent number on either side with equal probability. The number in the sector that her dart hits is the number of points scored. Trying to earn the highest possible score, Malaika decides to aim for the same number for each of her next 20 throws. Based on the given information, for which number should Malaika aim?