AdditionPrinciple IndeterminateEquation AMC10/12 Intermediate

Problem - 4745

Let $T$ be the triangle in the coordinate plane with vertices $\left(0,0\right)$, $\left(4,0\right)$, and $\left(0,3\right)$. Consider the following five isometries (rigid transformations) of the plane: rotations of $90^{\circ}$, $180^{\circ}$, and $270^{\circ}$ counterclockwise around the origin, reflection across the $x$-axis, and reflection across the $y$-axis. How many of the $125$ sequences of three of these transformations (not necessarily distinct) will return $T$ to its original position? (For example, a $180^{\circ}$ rotation, followed by a reflection across the $x$-axis, followed by a reflection across the $y$-axis will return $T$ to its original position, but a $90^{\circ}$ rotation, followed by a reflection across the $x$-axis, followed by another reflection across the $x$-axis will not return $T$ to its original position.)

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