Practice (5)

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Two boundary points of a ball of radius 1 are joined by a curve contained in the ball and having length less than 2. Prove that the curve is contained entirely within some hemisphere of the given ball.

A father, a mother and son hold a family tournament, playing a two person board game with no ties. The tournament rules are: (i) The weakest player chooses the first two contestants. (ii) The winner of any game plays the next game against the person left out. (iii) The first person to win two games wins the tournament. The father is the weakest player, the son the strongest, and it is assumed that any player's probability of winning an individual game from another player does not change during the tournament. Prove that the father's optimal strategy for winning the tournament is to play the first game with his wife.

Consider the two triangles $ ABC$ and $ PQR$ shown below. In triangle $ ABC, \angle ADB = \angle BDC = \angle CDA = 120^\circ$. Prove that $ x=u+v+w$.

(a) Prove that \[ [5x]+[5y] \ge [3x+y] + [3y+x],\] where $ x,y \ge 0$ and $ [u]$ denotes the greatest integer $ \le u$ (e.g., $ [\sqrt{2}]=1$). (b) Using (a) or otherwise, prove that \[ \frac{(5m)!(5n)!}{m!n!(3m+n)!(3n+m)!}\] is integral for all positive integral $ m$ and $ n$.

Let $ A,B,C,$ and $ D$ denote four points in space and $ AB$ the distance between $ A$ and $ B$, and so on. Show that \[ AC^2+BD^2+AD^2+BC^2 \ge AB^2+CD^2.\]

If $ P(x)$ denotes a polynomial of degree $ n$ such that $ P(k)=\frac{k}{k+1}$ for $ k=0,1,2,\ldots,n$, determine $ P(n+1)$.

Two given circles intersect in two points $ P$ and $ Q$. Show how to construct a segment $ AB$ passing through $ P$ and terminating on the circles such that $ AP \cdot PB$ is a maximum.

A deck of $ n$ playing cards, which contains three aces, is shuffled at random (it is assumed that all possible card distributions are equally likely). The cards are then turned up one by one from the top until the second ace appears. Prove that the expected (average) number of cards to be turned up is $ (n+1)/2$.

(a) Suppose that each square of a 4 x 7 chessboard is colored either black or white. Prove that with any such coloring, the board must contain a rectangle (formed by the horizontal and vertical lines of the board) whose four distinct unit corner squares are all of the same color. (b) Exhibit a black-white coloring of a 4 x6 board in which the four corner squares of every rectangle, as described above, are not all of the same color.

If $ A$ and $ B$ are fixed points on a given circle and $ XY$ is a variable diameter of the same circle, determine the locus of the point of intersection of lines $ AX$ and $ BY$. You may assume that $ AB$ is not a diameter.

Determine all integral solutions of \[ a^2+b^2+c^2=a^2b^2.\]

If the sum of the lengths of the six edges of a trirectangular tetrahedron $ PABC$ (i.e., $ \angle APB = \angle BPC = \angle CPA = 90^\circ$) is $ S$, determine its maximum volume.

If $ P(x),Q(x),R(x)$, and $ S(x)$ are all polynomials such that \[ P(x^5)+xQ(x^5)+x^2R(x^5)=(x^4+x^3+x^2+x+1)S(x),\] prove that $ x-1$ is a factor of $ P(x)$.

Determine all pairs of positive integers $ (m,n)$ such that $ (1+x^n+x^{2n}+\cdots+x^{mn})$ is divisible by $ (1+x+x^2+\cdots+x^{m})$.

$ ABC$ and $ A'B'C'$ are two triangles in the same plane such that the lines $ AA',BB',CC'$ are mutually parallel. Let $ [ABC]$ denotes the area of triangle $ ABC$ with an appropriate $ \pm$ sign, etc.; prove that \[ 3([ABC] + [A'B'C']) = [AB'C'] + [BC'A'] + [CA'B'] + [A'BC] + [B'CA] + [C'AB].\]

If $ a$ and $ b$ are two of the roots of $ x^4+x^3-1=0$, prove that $ ab$ is a root of $ x^6+x^4+x^3-x^2-1=0$.

Prove that if the opposite sides of a skew (non-planar) quadrilateral are congruent, then the line joining the midpoints of the two diagonals is perpendicular to these diagonals, and conversely, if the line joining the midpoints of the two diagonals of a skew quadrilateral is perpendicular to these diagonals, then the opposite sides of the quadrilateral are congruent.

If $ a,b,c,d,e$ are positive numbers bounded by $ p$ and $ q$, i.e, if they lie in $ [p,q], 0 < p$, prove that \[ (a + b + c + d + e)\left(\frac {1}{a} + \frac {1}{b} + \frac {1}{c} + \frac {1}{d} + \frac {1}{e}\right) \le 25 + 6\left(\sqrt {\frac {p}{q}} - \sqrt {\frac {q}{p}}\right)^2\] and determine when there is equality.

Given that $a,b,c,d,e$ are real numbers such that $a+b+c+d+e=8$, $a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2+e^2=16$. Determine the maximum value of $e$.

$ABCD$ and $A'B'C'D'$ are square maps of the same region, drawn to different scales and superimposed as shown in the figure. Prove that there is only one point $O$ on the small map that lies directly over point $O'$ of the large map such that $O$ and $O'$ each represent the same place of the country. Also, give a Euclidean construction (straight edge and compass) for $O$.

An integer $n$ will be called good if we can write \[n=a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_k,\] where $a_1,a_2, \ldots, a_k$ are positive integers (not necessarily distinct) satisfying \[\frac{1}{a_1}+\frac{1}{a_2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{a_n}=1.\] Given the information that the integers 33 through 73 are good, prove that every integer $\ge 33$ is good.

(a) Prove that if the six dihedral (i.e. angles between pairs of faces) of a given tetrahedron are congruent, then the tetrahedron is regular. (b) Is a tetrahedron necessarily regular if five dihedral angles are congruent?

Nine mathematicians meet at an international conference and discover that among any three of them, at least two speak a common language. If each of the mathematicians speak at most three languages, prove that there are at least three of the mathematicians who can speak the same language.

Determine all non-negative integral solutions $ (n_{1},n_{2},\dots , n_{14}) $ if any, apart from permutations, of the Diophantine Equation $ n_{1}^{4}+n_{2}^{4}+\cdots+n_{14}^{4}=1599 $

Let $S$ be a great circle with pole $P$. On any great circle through $P$, two points $A$ and $B$ are chosen equidistant from $P$. For any spherical triangle $ABC$ (the sides are great circles ares), where $C$ is on $S$, prove that the great circle are $CP$ is the angle bisector of angle $C$. Note. A great circle on a sphere is one whose center is the center of the sphere. A pole of the great circle $S$ is a point $P$ on the sphere such that the diameter through $P$ is perpendicular to the plane of $S$.