LogicalAndReasoning AMC10/12

Problem - 2899
Let $k$ be a positive integer. Bernardo and Silvia take turns writing and erasing numbers on a blackboard as follows: Bernardo starts by writing the smallest perfect square with $(k+1)$ digits. Every time Bernardo writes a number, Silvia erases the last $k$ digits of it. Bernardo then writes the next perfect square, Silvia erases the last $k$ digits of it, and this process continues until the last two numbers that remain on the board differ by at least 2. Let $f(k)$ be the smallest positive integer not written on the board. For example, if $k = 1$, then the numbers that Bernardo writes are $16, 25, 36, 49, 64$, and the numbers showing on the board after Silvia erases are $1, 2, 3, 4,$ and $6$, and thus $f(1) = 5$. What is the sum of the digits of $f(2) + f(4)+ f(6) + ... + f(2016)$?

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