IndeterminateEquation AMC10/12

Problem - 2377
Under the new AMC 10, 12 scoring method, 6 points are given for each correct answer, 2.5 points are given for each unanswered question, and no points are given for an incorrect answer. Some of the possible scores between 0 and 150 can be obtained in only one way, for example, the only way to obtain a score of 146.5 is to have 24 correct answers and one unanswered question. Some scores can be obtained in exactly two ways; for example, a score of 104.5 can be obtained with 17 correct answers, 1 unanswered question, and 7 incorrect, and also with 12 correct answers and 13 unanswered questions. There are three scores that can be obtained in exactly three ways. What is their sum?

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